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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

How To Care Tiger Barbs

Tiger barbs are great addition to most tanks. They are very good choice for begainers.They are a beautiful freshwater fish, with a yellow, orange, gold or red background and black stripes. They are semi-aggressive and they make good community fish, enjoy swimming in a school. They can grow up to 2.8 inches. A healthy and happy Tiger barb can leave uto 6-7 year. Thy love to stay in a minimum school of 6 fishes.

Fish overview

  • Scientific Name: Puntius tetrazona
  • Size of fish - inches: 2.8 inches (6.99 cm)
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive
  • Temperature: 68.0 to 79.0° F (20.0 to 26.1° C)
  • pH: 6.0 - 7.0


       You need to house minimum  a school of 6 fishes. If you keep Less then 6 fishes together they will became more aggressive. To provide minimum space for a school of 6 fishes you need a 20 gallon fish tank.


       A fine gravel or sandy substrate is ideal for tiger barbs. You can also add larger rocks to the tank to mimic their native habitat.
       *[Before adding Substrate Rains them properly]


       Decoration are take a vitel role for your tank. Dacore provide hiding place for your fishes add driftwood, pant. Anubias and Javan fern are good plant choices for tiger barbs. Hiding place helps fishes to rest otherwise they will be stressed. Also provide open space* for swimming.
       **[Before adding any decisions prepare them properly For more info see⬇.


       Filtration system are the main lifeline of any fish tank. Install a filter to ensure you have enough oxygen as well as clean water for your fish. All aquariums require a filter, as decomposing organic matter, nitrates, and phosphates build up over time.
       *[For more information about  Filtration read this article.]


       Cycle your tank Before adding any fish.The nitrogen cycle (also known as the nitration cycle) is the process that breaks toxic nitrogen waste products in an aquarium into less harmful components. For this cycle to develop, beneficial bacteria that feed on these waste products need to grow in the aquarium's filter system. Introducing fish to an aquarium without a healthy nitrogen cycle in place is a bad idea  buildup of waste chemicals can put major stress on the fish, even potentially killing them. Thus, cycling is something that every new aquarium owner needs to do to ensure the health and safety of his/her fish.
          *** pH level of the water in the tank needs to stay between 6.0 and 7.0.


       Tiger barbs are tropical fish they should be kept in an aquarium with a temperature between 70-78°F (21-26°C). If you leave in a cold place install a Heater to keep the temperature constant and comfortable level for your fish.

Acclimate the Fishes

       Acclimation helps the fish adapt to the aquarium water parameters without shocking their systems.
  1. Float the bag of tiger barbs in the tank for at least 15 minutes to allow the fish to adjust to the aquarium temperature.
  2. Cut open the bag just under the metal clip or knot and roll the top edge of the bag down 1 inch (2.54 cm). This will create an air pocket within the lip of the bag and enable the bag to float on the surface of the water.
  3. Add 1/2 cup (118 ml) of aquarium water to the bag.
  4. Repeat this step every four-5 minutes until the shipping bag is full.
  5. Use a net to remove the fish from the bag and release them into the aquarium.
  6. Remove the filled shipping bag from the aquarium and discard the water.
  7. Don't add the water of this bag into your it may contain harmful things like bacteria, fungus, parasitic worms and other parasites. 


       Tiger barbs are omnivores, meaning they eat both animal and plant life. Tropical flakes, brine shrimp or other small crustaceans, daphnia, glass worms, and bloodworms are good options for your tiger barbs.
  • Give your fish a high-quality flake food every day. Treat them to bloodworms, brine shrimp, boiled lettuce or zucchini once a day as well.
  • Feed your tiger barbs twice a day if you can, or once a day if that's better for your schedule.
  • See how much your fish will eat in 3 minutes, if feeding twice a day, or in 5 minutes, if feeding once a day, to give you an idea of the appropriate amount of food to feed them.

Water Changes

        Water change will provide oxygen as well as remove nitrates and phosphates from the water. Replace 25 - 50% of the tank water with fresh water at least once a month to keep the tank clean and the water at a high quality.


         If you have several tiger barbs, they will pair up naturally. However, they do eat their own eggs, as well as the eggs of other fish, so it’s best to set up a separate tank for breeding. Introduce a pair of barbs to the breeding tank and allow them to spawn. Remove the adult fish after they have spawned to allow the eggs to hatch.

Quarantine injured tank mates

         Tiger barbs are likely to attack wounded fish, as they establish a pecking order and exert their dominance in an aquarium. It’s best to remove injured fish from the tank and house them separately until they have healed.

### Before adding anything to your fish tank  you should clean it properly. Before adding any Rock clean it with old aquarium warer/Ro water. Live plant can carry snails, snail eggs, other dengures pest so before adding clean them with tap water properly. Drift woood looks Gret but it may harm your fishes to avoid it boil in a large container then soke it in lage container with fresh water change the water regularly after 2 week you can put it in the aquarium.

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