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Showing posts with label black water fish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black water fish. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Betta fish care guide : Most Important tips

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Betta fishes are famous for it attractive look of its body,fins and colors. There are various color and shape Betta fishes available in pet store .They are also known as "Fighter fish" for it extremely aggressiveness towards its own male spices.
        Betta fishes are very intelligent fish you can teach them many moves and tricks.
Before going to buy a Betta fish lets know about its requirement, choosing best quality,how to teach them moves and tics.


Choosing a Betta fish not so tough. Goto your nearest pet shop and observe all Betta fishes. Firs see the color is its color dull or bright and shiny ? Even it slightly pale. Its body clear should be shine nicely. Most of them color is dark just like Red, deep Blue and Deep Green is general. But you can see white,pink,light blue etc. Light color. Choose a shiny one.
Then look carefully witch Betta responses to you when you moving for better result you can slightly tap on the glass and see that witch one following your finger. If it is responsive before you buying it can be easy to teach them many moves and tricks.
Look carefully that is its fins are good looking or torn otherwise damage and hole on it. The crountails fins are usually torn . Look care fully the eye of the fish is normal good shape ? Are there any odd lumps. You can do a easy survey of other betas for a better result.
As I say that the fishes are very intelligent they can choose you don't be afraid to buying him even he is not completely  healthy? May be he can be heal up.

Required tank

                    Before buying a Betta fish do a proper research. Don't put a Betta fish in a bowl or a tank that contain less than 1.5 gallon of water. A Betta fish can live up to 10 year if it is happy. For his long life u should put him more than 2.5 gallons of tank with hitter and proper filtration.
Before buying a fish cycle your tank properly. Don't put two or more Betta together can be dangerous they will fight until death. Don't use plastic plant or sharp rock for decors they can damage your Betta fins. But live plants are good for your Betta fish they keep your tank water oxygenated.
Betta fish, Betta

Required temperature

                                    You have to maintain the temperature of 78-82ºF/24-27ºC . In winter time or you live in a cold place you need a heater with thermostat . There are many companies available who built small hitter for Betta tanks.


          Filters are required for a betta tank. Make shore that the current of the water is not so strong because its fin are long the water current can stress them. For protect their fins expert suggestion is sponge filter.

Use conditioner

                                In regular tap water may be contacting some chlorine. Chlorine dangerous for your fishes and it can kill all biological bacteria on your filter and destroy the nitrogen cycling.

Filling your tank

                              Betta fishes can jump over 3 inches/7.5cm . Don't fill your tank fully leave a space for ensure that your fish can't jump out.


              There are many Commercial Betta fish food available or you can feed them brain shrimp,blood warms. Don not overfeed your fish as their stomach and eye size is same. Create a daily routine time for feeding yore fish once in morning and once in everything. Always clean the extra food after feeding.

Water change and maintenance

                                                       never do a massive or full water change it can certainly change your water temperature and PH able and it can stress your fish. As per your tank size you can change your water 20-25 %. Test your water PH & KH every week.

Play with your fish

  •  You can teach your fish follow the finger , jump out water , jump out the ring many more moves. I will tail you about that in next post.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Discus fish care

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Due to their distinctive shape and bright colors, discus are very popular as freshwater aquarium fish.They are from cichlid family and native to the Amazon river basin in South America.
        Discus are very sensitive fish that means they are very hard to keep.They're not recommended for fish-keeping beginners. They are really very expensive fish you don't want to risk them dying off quickly.


        Discus need a bigger tank at lest 50 gallon water holding tank (for adding more fish you need additional 10 gallon of water for each fish).  You'll need a larger tank if you going to have several Discus in one tank. Keep your tank in a quite pace. There shouldn't be a lot of activity, as shadows or vibrations can frighten the fish.

What fish should I look for ?

When you visit pet store to buy a new fish you should follow this tips. 
  • Round shape Discus.
  • Clear eyes, no nicks.
  • Colour should be good.
  • Fins should be straight, no bent rays.
  • Good body mass, not thin.
  • Good appetite.
  • Swimming and not hanging in the corner.

Water Condition

        Discus are sensitive to disease and water conditions. They don't like water changes well.They need very clean water to leave.Change about 30% of the water every week (That may vary on your tank size). Don't change too much of the water or change the water too often. Don't use normal tap water Use dechlorinated tap water.Make sure the pH level is between 6 and 7; levels below 6 and above 7 will cause discus stress.(For more information about pH watch ⬇video )


        They need very clean water so you need a good filtration system. Filter helps to keep maintain the water quality.You need three types of water filtration system-
         1.Chemical filtration.
         2.Mechanical filtration.
         3.Biological filtration.


        Discus are a tropical fish they need water temperatures at around 28 to 30 Celsius(84 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit). Use a heater to get the perfect temperature. Increase temperatures will decrease the amount of dissolved oxygen.


        Decoration makes your tank good looking and give your fish hiding place and gives your tank a natural look. Discus are adapted to swim through foliage and like hiding under logs, rocks and plants. Give them plenty of places for the discus to hide. Planted tanks with CO2 injection will usually have a pH level of 6.8, which is the ideal level for most discus fish. As they are originally from the amazon, having long stem plants and lower foreground plants will make them feel more comfortable. It'll also soften the water and lower the pH level.
       Some experts recommended for no decore even no substitute/gravel. If you want to going with sand substrate don't use more then 1/2 inch thick layer unless you want to plant on it (It may grow up harmful bacteria) .


        Feed them various types of food to give them good amount of minerals and vitamins. Feed them worms, live or frozen bloodworms, broken up beef heart or brine shrimp, as well as pellets and flakes. Be careful, however, because live blackworms can carry bacteria and parasites, and beef heart can pollute the tank, so turn off the filters when feeding.
                 Take notice of their feeding habits, as there may be something wrong if they are not eating properly. Do not overfeed them because overeating can cause the fish stress. Discus fish prefer to eat from the middle and not from the surface.Discus are reactive, and they will react to any object in the room, such as your presence or the television.
                 It is recommended that their diet contain about 55% of protein. You will need to feed them live foods such as shrimp and bloodworm, as well as beef heart once or twice a week. Before feeding freeze any live food to kill any diseases or parasites and to preserve the vitamins and fat.

Adding New Fish

        You will need 2nd tank as a hospital tank or New arrival tank. It will helps you to keep your fishes healthy. New fishes could introduce bacteria, parasites, or disease. keep them in the hospital/2nd tank for a few weeks. If they show no sign of illness, you can put the new fishes in with the old ones. Sometimes, fish can cross contaminate; this is known as the "discus plague". You'll notice something going wrong within two to three days. There's no certain cure for this, but you can give them medication and try other solutions, such as increasing the temperature of the tank to 92 degrees Fahrenheit (36 degrees Celsius) to boost the fishes' immune system.
               Hospital tank helps you to prevent spread disease one fish to another. If you notice any one fish swim ocourdly or any sign of disease separate him in the hospital tank and find the proper cure and if necessary change the main tank water for safety.


There are many points we do not write in this post. For thees points see this video.For keep wild discus this video is recommended .

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Rope fish care : with 8 easy stape


Rope fish, also known as reed fish (Erpertoichthys calabaricus), is a type of freshwater fish belonging to the Bichir fish family. Native to Africa, these fish are found on the Chiloango River in Congo and the Ogun River in Nigeria. They are ideal for community aquariums, which contain non-aggressive species. Taking care of the rope fish is not very difficult because of their mood. Regular feeding and cleaning of the tank, as well as some provisions to keep them in the aquarium, will keep your fish healthy and will give him a long life.

How to identify a rope fish

To identify a rope fish is very simple. It has a long, slender body with a fluffy pattern, making it look like a braided strand of rope. It can reach about 17 centimeters long and the fish does not have the presence of ventral fins.In the base of their pectoral fins has black spots. Dorsal fins are divided into 10-12 parts; Because these fins are usually kept flat, it's hard to see them. Their anal fins are also hard to see. It is important to note that the sex can be determined by studying the anal fins. The anal fins of mail fishes are wider and separated by 12-15 rays, usually separated from the caudal fin. While the anal fin of the female fish is separated by only 8-12 rays, eventually merge with the caudal fin. The fish can be green or gray, with yellow or white underparts.


The most important factor of a fish care is to establish a suitable habitat.The rope fish can reach 16 inches long, so require spacious tanks. A 45 to 55 gallon tank is suitable for rope fish up to 12 inches long, but a larger tank will be needed for larger fish. Your rope fish needs a lot of hiding places to feel safe, so the tank needs to be planted with rockery, deep-rooted plants and driftwood. Avoid over-planting - be sure to leave some swimming areas open. Snake-like Ropefish tend to slide along the bottom of the tank. So use gravel or sand for the substrate. While rope fish is a freshwater species, adding sea salt can be beneficial. Maintain water temperature between 72 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

Habit Security

Another important factor to consider when purchasing the tank is to have a safe liner for the tank. The fish escape attitude means that even a small gap in the cover can become a means of escape. You should be able to lock the tank lid, because the rope fish has been known to push even closed lids open! Open filter systems can be deadly traps. Therefore, you should ensure these areas properly before releasing the fish from the rope in the tank. Good news is that if the fish escapes from the tank, it will not die immediately. His lungs will keep him alive for a long time, which will save your rope fish.


Although rope fish can survive in unfurnished ponds, it is advisable that the tank has a thick layer of fine aquarium sand on the bottom. Try to avoid pebbles or large stones. The tank should also have a large part of the tank with aquatic plants, some of which should be rooted and the others floating. Java fern, amazon's sword and crystalwort are some of the favorite plant species for this purpose. In addition, you should have hidden spots such as driftwood, or commercial caves and shelters. It is also important to leave considerable free space for the fish to swim freely.

Light & Oxygen

Ropefish like living in dark, marshy areas, and as such, the tanks should have enough light for the plants to grow. The gills of a rope fish are not very effective, and the fish relies heavily on the breathing of atmospheric oxygen through its lungs to survive. Therefore, there should always be at least one inch of free space between the water surface and the tank lid. This will allow the fish to return regularly to the surface to breathe some air. Failure to do so can put one's life in danger.

Water Condition

Water quality is an important factor in extending the life of a rope fish. Ideally, the water temperature in the tank should be between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pH should be between 6.0 and 7.0. The excessive level of ammonia in the water is also harmful to the fish. The maximum concentration of ammonia in a healthy environment should not exceed 8 ppm at any time. A good filtration system and weekly water changes of 20% are very important. It is also important to clean the sand and bottom plants from organic waste, such as rope feces and uneaten food, during these water changes. It is always a good idea to have devices like a pH indicator and a thermometer attached to the tank before the fish are put inside.


Another important factor of rope fish care is the diet.Due to poor vision, rope fish depend on their keen sense of smell to locate food. Young rope fish need two small meals every day, while adults need a bigger meal once every two days. Most rope fish prefer to eat live food, and although they will be reluctant to eat commercial fish-based food at first, they may learn to eat flakes or small meatballs. Live shrimp, worms, larvae or tiny pieces of fish are appreciated by rope fishermen. However, because of their segmented nature, the bodies of shrimp and worms can break while eating and polluting the tank, making it important to change the water often. To avoid the problem, try to live feeding fish like guppies. Ropefish tend to swallow their entire food, so stout food pieces can pose a choking hazard. Therefore, it is best to soak and soften the flakes or granules in a bowl of water before feeding them.

Tank Mates

While rope fish may seem reserved, preferring to hide among rocks and driftwood, emerging only after dark, it is actually a social fish. You can include other medium to large species in its tank, as long as they are not an aggressive species. However, ropefish generally prefer the company of other ropefish, and up to six fish can coexist peacefully in the same aquarium. Rope fishes are not usually territorial. They can be seen gathering and hiding together as a group when housed in the same tank.

Problems and Diseases

The rope fish has a long life span of 15-20 years. Therefore, they need a dedicated owner for their care. Ropes usually resist most pests and water-borne diseases. However, poor water quality, poor nutrition or the introduction of diseased fish can cause the following health problems.

  • Dropsy

This bacterial disease usually occurs when tank conditions are poor and may give the impression that fish are swollen due to excessive release of body fluids. This disease must be treated early, otherwise it will be fatal. Commercial treatments are available for this disease in good pet stores or specialty stores.

  • Cotton mouth

It is a bacterial infection that usually remains around the mouth of the fish. You will notice a cottony mushroom like growth on the lips and around the mouth of the rope fish, and there will be a marked decrease in its appetite. A consultation with a specialist veterinarian can give you the appropriate medication for this condition.

  • Pop Eye

As the name suggests, this bacterial disease brings the eyes out of his head. Sometimes the eyes can be cloudy. Poor food or water can cause this disease. Although difficult to treat, an appropriate antibiotic drug may be helpful.

  • Swim Bladder Disease

It is the most common disease affecting rope fish. The common symptoms are abnormal swimming, lethargy and loss of balance while swimming. Unfortunately, there is no safe cure for this disease, and it is particularly deadly. It is important to immediately quarantine diseased fish in a separate container to prevent the spread of the disease.

  • Velvet

This is a parasitic disease, which can be fatal if left untreated. The symptoms are aggressive swimming by the fish, a yellow or white powder on the body and difficulty breathing. Raising the water temperature slightly, adding a little sea salt to the water, and a commercial medicine, can cure this condition.

Rope Fish Breeding Guide

Rope fish-breeding is a very difficult task in captivity, and most rope fish are caught in the wild. However, if you have a couple of male and female, there is a small chance to breed the babies successfully, with the following procedure

  1. The important thing to remember is that you increase the chances of getting fertile eggs if you have a good amount of plants in your aquarium because rope fish like to mate between vegetation.
  2. After mating, eggs usually stick to surrounding plants and rocks. As parents can eat eggs, you can remove the eggs with the plants to which they are stuck, and transfer them to another tank with ideal water conditions.
  3. After 3-4 days, eggs that have been abundantly hatched in small creatures resembling tadpoles, which remain stick to their environment unless disturbed. Babies do not need to be fed during this stage because they have their bags of yolk attached as a source of food.
  4. After about 2 weeks, the babies will have grown slightly, their yolk sac will be almost completely absorbed by the babies. Now, babies should be ready to accept food. Use tiny foods like baby brain shrimp and clean up any debris or uneaten food after feeding.
  5. When baby rope fish begin to move, you have to separate them from each other, because larger ones can eat small babies. You can put them together when they are a few inches long.
  6. It is important that water conditions, food and tank safety are at optimal levels throughout the process, to increase the chances of success.