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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Care of gold nugged pleco


                 It has the scientific name Baryancistrus xanthellus.breeders start selling newly-discovered plecos before the fish in question receives a proper scientific name. Instead, dealers use an "L-number," which often sticks around even after the fish is properly named. Different varieties of the gold nugget pleco go by "L" numbers just like "L018", "L085", "L177" and "LDA060".  It has golden yellow highlights and more costly  than regular plecos.

Required tank

                            THE requirements of of gold nugged pleco is more than 30 gallons tank is better. And if the tank is planted it helps that fish to stay happy.
Gold nugget plecos also benefit from having real driftwood from a pet store to rasp on. Driftwood from elsewhere could have dangerous chemicals soaked into the wood. Lastly, they need a cycled, mature aquarium; a tank that has been up and running with fish in it provides a more stable environment.

Required water conditions

                                                 Gold nugget plecos come from the northern drainage of the Amazon River. This water has very specific conditions in terms of temperature and pH. They are a tropical species that does not tolerate colder temperatures. They do their best in water from 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. also requires soft water with a low pH. They need water with a pH between 6 and 7.


               They are usually algae eaters. They active in night time thy eat your tank algae and food wests. They required supplementer food. The fish shop selling different type of pleco foods. Make sure that the food contains veg contains it helps your fish to get more vitamins.

Tank mates

                        Gold nugget plecos are stay along with most of fishes. But both male
Of their own spices are aggressive with each other. And if any fishes hang down of the tank then maybe create some problems with each other. Tetras and many other fishes who swim on the upper part they are sweet able.

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