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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Aquarium Filtration


Filters are the main Lifeline of eny fish tank. Filtration is singel most requirment for a fishtank. There are many types of filters available in market but thy mainly works with three filtration method. They are -

Mechanical Filtration

            In macanical filtration system water mainly pass through the media and all the free floating solid wastage will be trapped in the media. This type of filters doesn't remove or convert ammonia, nitrite or nitrate it only remove solid components of water. Mechanical filtration media should be replaced every 2-4 weeks because the waste will still decay while trapped in the filter material. To save money on replacements, you can also rinse the filters in use or use an alternative filter such as filter floss.
     Example of filter media are paper cartridges, sponges, and floss.

Biological Filtration

            This type of filtration done by many micro bacteria calls biological bacteria. They are established in filter media during the initial cycling of the aquarium. The brown colour stuff on filter are actually biological bacteria.  They break down ammonia and nitrite and convert them into the less toxic compound nitrate. Biological filtration is essential and needs to be adequately established in every aquarium. Live rock and live sand also contain these bacteria.

Chemical filtration

            Chemical filtration removes dissolved wastes and many toxic chemicals. Some chemical filtration products target specific excessive nutrients or chemicals from the aquarium. Some chemical filtration products target specific excessive nutrients or chemicals from the aquarium.


            Different filter warks with different different methods some warks with 1 filtration systame some 2-3 types of filtration system. The popular filters are -

Canister Filter


            A closed canister where water is forced through filtration media mechanical and/or chemical. This filter is generally placed beside or underneath the aquarium. The canister filter has the most powerful mechanical filtration system, and can be used with messy eaters. The down side is that it requires frequent cleaning. Bacteria will also settle in this filter type. Biological filtration can be improved, by placing wet dry wheels at the outflow of the canister filter.

Undergravel Filter

            The filters are placed under the gravel and pull the water through the gravel/substrate and up tubes called uplift tubes. There are two ways you can get water to come up these tubes. That is by an airstone and air pump or a power head that fits onto the top of the uplift tubes and pumps the water across the top of the aquarium. Mechanical filtration occurs as water passes through the gravel but the downside is that biological filtration is limited from the water passing through the substrate. Unfortunately chemical filtration does not happen with an under gravel filter. Also make sure you agitate your substrate and clean it or there will be detritus buildups and this will cause high levels of hydrogen sulfide.

Sponge Filter

        Sponge filters are not good choice it only recommended for nursery, breading,  fry, hospital tank only because they can't take heavy wastage load(bio load). Sponge filters can be use in lo bio lode tank.
            A sponge filter is powered by an air pump where water is forced to pull through the sponge-like material. The sponge is capable of producing biological and mechanical filtration because beneficial bacteria live on the sponge.
   Cleaning time use aquarium water tap water can kill them all and it can be dangerous for your fish.

Fluidized Bed Filter

        This filter is a recent development, using sand as a bacteria settlement media. In a tubular design, sand is fully submerged in water. The water is pumped upwards through the sand, allowing bacteria to settle within. Additional tubes can be used as mechanical and also for chemical filters. This filter provides a large surface for bacteria colonies, but sometimes lacks in providing enough oxygen for optimum performance.

HOB Filter 

        The very easy to maintain power filter is hangs on the back of the aquarium (easy access). They hang on the back (or side) of your aquarium and suck water up through their siphon tube.Water is pulled through a mechanical filtration, using floss and insert cartridges. They also provide enough space for chemical filtration media. Within the last few years a wet dry wheel (biowheel) was developed, to provide an even larger area for bacteria to settle.

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